
It is acknowledged that this meeting is being held on the traditional territory of the Syilx/Okanagan Peoples.

This meeting is open to the public.  All representations to Council form part of the public record.  This meeting is being webcast live.

  • Recommendation to Consider and Resolve:

    THAT Council authorize the issuance of a Multiple Family and Intensive Residential, Sensitive Terrestrial Ecosystem, and Hillside Development Permit (DP 24-09) for a townhouse development located at 3401 Sundance Drive;

    AND THAT Council authorize variances to the City of West Kelowna Zoning Bylaw No. 0265 in accordance with the attached permit that the:

    • Minimum front parcel boundary setback be reduced from 6.0m to 4.0m;
    • Minimum interior side parcel boundary setback be reduced from 4.5m to 3.0m;
    • Minimum rear parcel boundary setback be reduced from 7.5m to 6.0m;
    • Minimum drive aisle width be reduced from 7.0m to 6.0m over the access lane;
    • Minimum required truck or van loading spaces be reduced from 4.0 to 3.0;
    • Maximum retaining wall height be increased from 2.5m to 4.5m; and
    • Maximum building height for units 55-58 be increased from 12m to 13.3m;


    AND THAT the issuance of the Development Permit be withheld pending receipt of a Landscape Security in the amount of $428,588.125;

    AND FURTHER THAT if the Development Permit has not been issued within one year from the date of approval, the Permit with variances shall be deemed to have been refused and the file closed.

  • Recommendation to Consider and Resolve:

    THAT Council direct staff to prioritize completion of the Rental Protection and Tenant Relocation Assistance Policies given potential impacts to residents vulnerable to redevelopment;

    AND THAT Council direct staff to prioritize a report outlining a simplified commercial boat launch licensing program in Q3/Q4 of 2024;

    AND FURTHER THAT Council direct staff to not consider amendments to the Short-Term Rental program (including RC3 properties) at this time as future changes to the program will be considered once the full scope of recent amendments have been implemented and a more detailed evaluation of the impacts on rental housing is completed.

  • Recommendation to Consider and Resolve:

    THAT Council authorize a 3-year extension of a Temporary Use Permit commencing July 13, 2024, to July 13, 2027 for the purpose of operating a temporary shelter and associated supportive services subject to the conditions outlined in the attached permit.

The next Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 11, 2024.