1. Give Third Reading
THAT Council give third reading to Zoning Bylaw Amendment No. 0265.22, 2023;
AND THAT Council direct staff to schedule Zoning Bylaw Amendment No. 0265.22, 2023 for adoption following:
- Approval of the bylaw by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure;
- Registration of an environmental no build no disturb covenant on the existing natural area located in the northeast corner of the property;
- Registration of covenant that includes preliminary design and cost estimates to secure:
- Land dedication and construction of a turnaround along Marshall
- Marshall Road to be upgraded to meet Urban Local – 18.0m ROW
- Watermain along Stevens Road to be upgraded to 300mm diameter, complete with additional hydrants to provide commercial/industrial
- Watermain along Marshall Road to be upgraded, complete with additional hydrants to provide commercial/industrial spacing.
2. Postpone Consideration
THAT Council postpone consideration of Zoning Bylaw Amendment No. 0265.22, 2023.
3. Deny Application
THAT Council rescind first and second readings of Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 0265.22, 2023 and abandon the bylaw;
AND THAT Council direct staff to close the file (Z 23-09).