  • Geoffrey Oliver, Chair
  • Jan Bath, Vice Chair
  • Anton Schori
  • Chris Zabek (arrived at 5:04 p.m.)
  • Serina Penner
  • Nikko Shankman
Staff Present:
  • Brent Magnan, Director of Development Approvals
  • Yvonne Mitchell, Planner III
  • William Cashin, Planning Technician
  • Natasha Patricelli, Recording Secretary


The meeting was called to order at 5:01 p.m.

It was acknowledged that this meeting was held on the traditional territory of the Syilx/Okanagan Peoples.

This meeting was open to the public.  This meeting was webcast live and archived on the City's website.

  • It was moved and seconded

    THAT the agenda be adopted as amended.

  • It was moved and seconded

    THAT the minutes of the Agricultural Advisory Committee meeting held Wednesday, August 2, 2023 in the City of West Kelowna Council Chambers be adopted.


Highlights of the presentation include:

  • City led application to exclude 2 City-owned properties located in the Westbank Centre downtown - JBMAC and Memorial Park;
  • Agricultural island surrounded by vacant Westbank First Nations land designated for future residential/commercial use;
  • Sites are currently zoned P2 and P1;
  • Existing uses include: Aquatic Centre (JBMAC), skateboard park, amphitheater and Memorial Park;
  • Total exclusion area is 3.95 ha;
  • Portion of the property was formerly used as settling pond which was an early form on wastewater treatment for Westbank Centre;
  • Currently 3.22 ha is used under existing/permitted uses;
  • Through Council's strategic priorities focus on upgrading and expanding Johnston Bentley Memorial Aquatic Centre and to expand offerings at Memorial Park;
  • Future Westbank Urban Centre Civic Hub;
  • 1987 Agricultural capability mapping is Class 5A (3D Improved);
  • Property has ALC History with non-farm use and exclusion approvals;
  • February 11, 2021 the City of West Kelowna AAC supported the non-farm use for the skateboard park;
  • New Official Community Plan Land Use Designation includes this area as a Westbank Urban Centre - Commercial Core;
  • Agricultural Policy in Official Community Plan states consideration may be given where there is significant community benefit;
  • Referral sent to Westbank First Nation and Ministry of Agriculture with no comments received;
  • CWK policy identified need for expanding civic/recreation presence in the area;
  • Proposed exclusion is in line with Official Community Plan Land Use Designation, Zoning and all City Master Plan policies;
  • ALC confirmed the agricultural potential of the subject property is limited and likely not suitable for agricultural use;
  • Majority of land is permitted for non-agriculture use.

Questions on the presentation:

  • No longer viable and should be excluded? Through ALC approval process there have been improvements on this site that no longer allow it to produce;
  • Has the city given consideration to ALR swap? The City is working with a limited land base;
  • What will the parcel be used for? Will there be structures built? No plan at this time. Possibility for future parking with the future expansion of Johnson Bentley. Looking to change land status first.

Highlights of the discussion include:

  • Soil quality should not be overlooked - 3D is still quite a good rating;
  • Westbank downtown core is having an island effect around agriculture;
  • Recommendation for Council to consider more benefits for farming to acknowledge no not loss from our AAC policy;
  • Support for exclusion application in alignment with what the city wants to achieve but noted that parcel still has agricultural capabilities.
  • It was moved and seconded

    THAT the Agricultural Advisory Committee recommend support to proceed with file P 23-01, City Led ALR Exclusion Application, 3743 and 3737 Old Okanagan Highway.


Highlights of the presentation include:

  • Subject property is located in the Bartley North neighbourhood;
  • Currently zoned Agricultural (A1) and Land Use Designation is Agricultural;
  • Surrounding uses include: Forest Resource (F1) and Rural Residential Large Parcel (R4);
  • Subject property is located in the ALR;
  • Proposal is to allow four agri-tourism accommodations (318 ft2 in size) outside of a principal single detached dwelling;
  • Zoning bylaw proposal meetings zoning bylaw requirements except accommodations being outside of single detached dwelling;
  • Proposal is consistent with the Agriculture Land Use Designation in the Official Community Plan and the Agricultural Plan;
  • ALR supportive of agritourism accommodations if related to agri-tourism on the property; 
  • Referred to various internal and external agencies with no concerns identified.

Questions on the presentation:

  • Does the City accept that the four units would be outside of the principal residence? Development Variance Permit application is to vary the zoning bylaw to allow these units outside of the principal dwelling; 
  • Is there a maximum coverage area allowed? Application does not exceed maximum coverage in the Zoning bylaw and meets ALC requirements;
  • Is there anything like this in West Kelowna? This is the first agri-tourism accommodations outside of the principal dwelling.

Applicant/property owner, James Schlosser, provided a presentation to the Committee and was available for questions:

  • He grew up on the property with his family and by farming put the property into the ALR;
  • Winery with 4 acres of vineyard;
  • Application is a method to economically keep farming our property;
  • Trying to offer an experience for our guests;
  • Being a unit below primary residence doesn't give the same experience as being in a separate unit;
  • Only seeking a variance of four units to take it outside of our principal residence.

Highlights of the discussion include:

  • Dwelling size is relatively small footprint, impact on agricultural lands is significantly more;
  • Ministry of Agriculture perspective - application is consistent with ALR requirements up to 10 units; Thoughts for consideration - is this consistent with agri-tourism that the City wants to see and promote or what are the concerns;
  • Benefit to agriculture as it might enable component to keep growing grapes and making wine;
  • Good additional source of income on the property;
  • Agri-tourism form and character on this application is relatively low impact;
  • Approval for this property not for approval on the community as a whole;
  • Unique property and not to be precedence setting.
  • It was moved and seconded

    THAT the Agricultural Advisory Committee recommend support for file DVP 23-10, Development Variance Permit, 1895 Bartley Road.


Highlights of the presentation include:

  • Subject property located in the West Kelowna Estates/Rose Valley neighbourhood;
  • Current zoning is Manufactured Home Park Zone (RMP) and Land Use Designation is Business Park;
  • Surrounding uses include: Agricultural Zone (A1), Rural Residential Small Parcel Zone (RU2), Westbank First Nation and Light Industrial (I1);
  • Been used as a mobile home park since 1960;
  • Proposal is rezoning from Mobile Home Park to Light Industrial;
  • In accordance with Council's Manufactured Home Park Redevelopment Policy a relocation assistance plan has been created and will be provided to Council for consideration;
  • Proposal is consistent with the Official Community Plan and Agricultural Plan;
  • A creek, canyon and Hwy 97 provide buffers from the neighbouring agriculture parcels;
  • Referred to various internal and external agencies;
  • Interior health identified no concern with rezoning but concern with loss of affordable housing and ensuring equitable support for affected residents;
  • Concerns have been raised by the public.

Question on the presentation:

  • Only agricultural parcel is buffered from development by stream? Conceptual design only but Environmental and Agricultural set backs would apply.

Highlights of the discussion include:

  • No agricultural concerns with this property;
  • Well buffered property adjacent to agricultural property.
  • It was moved and seconded

    THAT the Agricultural Advisory Committee recommend support for file Z 23-09, Zoning Bylaw Amendment, 2355 Marshall Road.

  • It was moved and seconded

    THAT the Agricultural Advisory Committee approve the 2024 meeting schedule.


Philip Gyug has accepted a new assignment with the Ministry of Agriculture and is no longer able to attend the AAC meetings. Chris Zabek will be the new non-voting Ministry of Agriculture representative for the committee.

The meeting adjourned at 5:51 p.m.