It was moved and seconded
THAT Council support the 2025 Capital Budget Request for Water Utility as follows:
C2025-66 SCADA System Backbone and Upgrades $180,000
C2025-67 Powers Creek Water Treatment Plant Access Improvements $100,000
C2025-68 Rose Valley Dam Spillway Improvements, Design $500,000
C2025-69 PCWSA PRV #5 Replacement - PRV Optimization Land Acquisition $250,000
C2025-70 PCWTP Life Cycle Analysis Report $75,000
C2025-71 WKW - Re-Chlorination Stations $150,000
C2025-72 WKW - Water Sample Stations $67,000
C2025-73 PCWTP - Streaming Current Analyzer $30,000
C2025-74 PCWTP - Cathodic Protection $54,000
C2025-75 PCWTP - Intake Road Safety Improvements $80,000
C2025-76 WKW - Security Improvements $132,000
C2025-77 WKW - Cathodic Protection $150,000
C2025-78 WKW - Water Meter Replacements $1,640,000
C2025-79 Old Okanagan Butt Water Main $400,000