  • Mayor Gord Milsom
  • Councillor Tasha Da Silva
  • Councillor Rick de Jong
  • Councillor Jason Friesen
  • Councillor Stephen Johnston
  • Councillor Garrett Millsap
  • Councillor Carol Zanon
Staff Present:
  • Ron Bowles, CAO
  • Trevor Seibel, Deputy CAO/Deputy Corporate Officer
  • Warren Everton, Director of Finance/CFO
  • Brent Magnan, Director of Development Approvals
  • Rob Hillis, Acting Director of Engineering and Operations
  • Lisa Siavashi, Financial Services Manager/Deputy CFO
  • Bob Dargatz, Development Manager/Approving Officer
  • Brittany Nichols, Long Range Planning Manager
  • Chris Anderson, Public Works Manager
  • Mark Roberts, Parks Manager
  • Erin Goodwin, Facilities and Recreation Manager
  • Kevin Bourchier, Recreation and Culture Supervisor


The meeting was called to order at 1:33 p.m.

It was acknowledged that this meeting was held on the traditional territory of the Syilx/Okanagan Peoples.

This meeting was open to the public.  All representations to Council form part of the public record.  This meeting was webcast live and archived on the City's website.

  • It was moved and seconded

    Resolution No.C271/24

    THAT the agenda be adopted as presented.

  • It was moved and seconded

    Resolution No.C272/24

    THAT the minutes of the Special Council meeting held Tuesday, October 22, 2024 in the City of West Kelowna Council Chambers be adopted.

  • It was moved and seconded

    Resolution No.C273/24

    THAT the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held Tuesday, October 22, 2024 in the City of West Kelowna Council Chambers be adopted.

  • It was moved and seconded

    Resolution No.C274/24

    THAT the minutes of the Public Hearing held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 in the City of West Kelowna Council Chambers be adopted.


Council expressed deepest sympathies to family, friends and colleagues of former B.C. Premier and Canadian Ambassador to Germany, John Horgan, who passed away this morning. Council offered special thanks to Westbank First Nation for hosting the Indigenous Veterans Day service on November 8 as well as the Royal Canadian Legion for organizing and hosting West Kelowna’s annual Remembrance Day service at Royal LePage Place.

  • It was moved and seconded

    Resolution No.C275/24

    THAT Council, under Section 198 of the Local Government Act, appoint Councillor Johnston (with 3 weighted votes) to the Regional District of Central Okanagan as Municipal Director for the remainder of the Council term effective January 1, 2025;

    AND THAT Council, under Section 200 of the Local Government Act, appoint Councillor de Jong as first Alternate and Councillor Friesen as second Alternate for the remainder of the Council term effective January 1, 2025.

  • It was moved and seconded

    Resolution No.C276/24

    Regarding the Appointment of Central Okanagan Economic Development Commission Representative

    THAT Council appoint Councillor Friesen, as representative, and Councillor Da Silva as the alternate, effective November 1, 2024, to the Central Okanagan Economic Development Commission for a one-year term; and

    Regarding the Appointment of Okanagan Regional Library Board Representative and Alternate

    THAT Council appoint Councillor Da Silva, as representative, and Councillor Zanon as the alternate, effective November 1, 2024, to the Okanagan Regional Library Board for a one-year term; and 

    Regarding the Appointment of Airport Advisory Committee Representative and Alternate

    THAT Council appoint Councillor de Jong, as representative, and Councillor Millsap as the alternate, effective November 1, 2024, to the Airport Advisory Committee for a one-year term; and

    Regarding the Appointment of Municipal Insurance Association Representative and Alternate

    THAT Council appoint Councillor Zanon, as representative, and Councillor Millsap as the alternate, effective November 1, 2024, to the Municipal Insurance Association for a one-year term.


Scott Beaton, of 2235 Sunview Drive, provided a presentation to Council on the Rose Valley Water Treatment Plant regarding source water and the utility planning process and was available for comments and questions from Council.

  • It was moved and seconded

    Resolution No.C277/24

    THAT Council appoint Ron Bowles, Chief Administrative Officer, as a signing authority for the City of West Kelowna.


Brittany Nichols, Long Range Planning Manager, provided a presentation on the West Kelowna Infill Housing Strategy and was available for questions from Council.

  • It was moved and seconded

    Resolution No.C278/24

    THAT Council endorse the City of West Kelowna Infill Housing Strategy (Final Draft).


    Council recessed at 2:42 p.m.

    Council reconvened at 2:55 p.m.

Kevin Bourchier, Recreation and Culture Supervisor, provided an update on the programs and events in the recreation and culture department and was available for questions from Council.

  • It was moved and seconded

    Resolution No.C279/24

    THAT Council approve staff applying to the Community Emergency Preparedness Fund seeking funding under the Disaster Risk Reduction – Climate Adaptation stream to design flood mitigation measures along McDougall Creek in the Pike/Capri area;

    AND THAT Council agree to amend the 2025 to 2029 Financial Plan, as may be required, to reflect grant funding;

    AND FURTHER THAT Council authorize the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer to execute the required contribution agreement, in the event of a successful application.


Trevor Seibel, Deputy CAO provided an update on the Operations Centre Project and was available for questions from Council.

  • It was moved and seconded

    Resolution No.C280/24

    THAT Council approve the budget request of $685,000 to complete the operational essential works associated with the new Operations Centre, as identified in the report titled “Operations Centre Project Update – November 2024", dated November 12, 2024;

    AND THAT the $685,000 be funded from the Growing Communities Fund.


The meeting adjourned at 3:34 p.m.