  • Mayor Gord Milsom
  • Councillor Tasha Da Silva
  • Councillor Rick de Jong
  • Councillor Jason Friesen
  • Councillor Stephen Johnston
  • Councillor Carol Zanon
  • Councillor Garrett Millsap
Staff Present:
  • Ron Bowles, CAO
  • Trevor Seibel, Deputy CAO/Deputy Corporate Officer
  • Rob Hillis, Acting Director of Engineering and Operations
  • Warren Everton, Director of Finance/CFO
  • Jason Brolund, Fire Chief
  • Brent Magnan, Director of Community Development
  • Lisa Siavashi, Financial Services Manager/Deputy CFO
  • Chris Anderson, Public Works Manager
  • Mark Roberts, Parks Manager


The meeting was called to order at 1:32 p.m.

It was acknowledged that this meeting was held on the traditional territory of the Syilx/Okanagan Peoples.

This meeting was open to the public. All representations to Council form part of the public record. This meeting was webcast live and archived on the City's website.

  • It was moved and seconded

    Resolution No.C028/25

    THAT the agenda be adopted as presented.

  • It was moved and seconded

    Resolution No.C029/25

    THAT the minutes of the Special Council meeting held Tuesday, January 28, 2025 in the City of West Kelowna Council Chambers be adopted.

  • It was moved and seconded

    Resolution No.C030/25

    THAT the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held Tuesday, January 28, 2025 in the City of West Kelowna Council Chambers be adopted.


Mayor Milsom announced that the City of West Kelowna has won the Canadian Award for Financial Reporting for the 2023 Annual Report and congratulated staff for their award winning collaboration.

MP Dan Albas provided an overview of the King Charles III Coronation Medal and presented each of the recipients with their medal.

Medal Recipients:

  • Tina Bisson
  • Melissa Anne Grassmick
  • Al Hildebrandt
  • Joe Houben
  • Adrian Marr
  • Dr. Hua Meng
  • Ricki Morin
  • Carl Zanon

Council recessed at 1:55 p.m.

Council reconvened at 2:06 p.m.

Trevor Seibel, Deputy CAO/Deputy Corporate Officer, provided an overview of the process to fill the Director of Legislative & Legal Services and the need to appoint the Corporate Officer.

  • It was moved and seconded

    Resolution No.C031/25

    THAT Council appoint Mark Panneton as the Corporate Officer as per Section 148 of the Community Charter effective February 18, 2025.


Trevor Seibel, Deputy CAO/Deputy Corporate Officer, provided an overview of the Green Bay Dredging Project Phase 2 Local Area Service and was available for questions from Council.

  • It was moved and seconded

    Resolution No.C032/25

    THAT Council adopt the Green Bay Dredging Project - Phase 2 Establishment Bylaw No. 0324, 2025.




Rob Hillis, Acting Director of Engineering & Operations, provided an overview of the Canada Housing Infrastructure Fund grant application and was available for questions from Council.

  • It was moved and seconded

    Resolution No.C033/25

    THAT Council direct staff to apply to the Canada Housing Infrastructure Fund seeking the maximum of 40 percent federal funding contributions for the Westbank Centre PRV Improvement Project (PCWSA PRV #5 Replacement).

    AND THAT Council agree to the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer submitting a letter, as part of the grant application, to indicate the City of West Kelowna’s support for the project.

    AND THAT Council agree to amend the Five-Year Financial Plan to reflect federal contributions under the Canada Housing Infrastructure Fund and to also agree, in principle, to provide the City’s share of funds, subject to securing grant funding, and in respect of the 2026 Budget deliberation and approval process.

    AND FURTHER THAT Council authorize the Mayor and/or Chief Administrative Officer to sign the required federal contribution agreement, subject to grant approval.


Rob Hillis, Acting Director of Engineering & Operations, provided an overview of the Active Transportation Fund grant application and was available for questions from Council.

  • It was moved and seconded

    Resolution No.C034/25

    THAT Council direct staff to apply to the federal Active Transportation Fund requesting the maximum funding contribution of 60 per cent of eligible costs towards construction of Elliott Road active transportation infrastructure from Smith Creek Road to Reece Road;

    AND THAT Council agree to amend the Five-Year Financial Plan and 10 Year Capital Plan to reflect any federal contributions to be given under the Active Transportation Fund and agree to provide the City’s respective share of funds, using available sources, as early as 2026 and no later than 2029, subject to grant approval and annual budget deliberations and approvals;

    AND FURTHER THAT Council authorize the Mayor and/or Chief Administrative Officer to sign the required federal contribution agreement, subject to grant approval.


Mark Roberts, Parks Manager, provided an overview of the Cemetery Bylaw update and was available for questions from Council.

  • It was moved and seconded

    Resolution No.C035/25

    THAT Council give first, second and third reading to the West Kelowna Cemetery Bylaw No. 318;

    AND THAT Council endorse Option #3 as presented in the “West Kelowna Cemetery Bylaw” report, from the Parks Manager, dated February 3, 2025;

    AND FURTHER THAT Council authorize staff to include the increased revenues and requested FTE’s into the 2025 Financial Plan.

    CARRIED; Mayor Milsom and Councillor Johnston opposed


  • It was moved and seconded

    Resolution No.C036/25

    THAT the report titled "Rose Valley Reservoir - Source Water Improvements Project Update" from the Acting Director of Engineering & Operations, date February 11, 2025, be received for information.


The meeting adjourned at 3:24 p.m.