  • Jan Bath, Vice Chair
  • Marc Shoene
  • Anton Schori
  • Chris Zabek
  • Geoffrey Oliver, Chair
  • Serina Penner
Staff Present:
  • Yvonne Mitchell, Planner III
  • Natasha Patricelli, Recording Secretary


The meeting was called to order at 4:59 p.m.

It was acknowledged that this meeting was held on the traditional territory of the Syilx/Okanagan Peoples.

This meeting was open to the public and was not webcast live.

  • It was moved and seconded

    THAT the agenda be adopted as presented.

  • It was moved and seconded

    THAT the Minutes of the Agricultural Advisory Committee meeting held Wednesday, February 7, 2024 in the City of West Kelowna Council Chambers be adopted.


Highlights of the presentation include:

  • Subject property is located in the Goats Peak/Gellatly neighbourhood;
  • Currently zoned Country Residential Zone (RU1) and Land Use Designation is Rural Residential;
  • Surrounding land uses include: Agricultural Zone (A1) and ALR, R1 and P1 (Rotary Beach);
  • Subject property is 1.12 acres with a single detached dwelling and located on steep slopes;
  • Proposal is to rezone from Country Residential Zone (RU1) to Comprehensive Development Zone (CD13);
  • Proposal is to amend the Land Use Designation from Rural Residential to Commercial;
  • Proposal is to build a 4 storey mixed use building with 23 residential units and 614 m2 of commercial space;
  • Comprehensive Development Zone would permit apartment, office, personal service establishment, restaurant and retail as principal uses;
  • The Zoning Bylaw outlines agricultural setbacks and buffers for buildings adjacent and/or taller buildings abutting agricultural land. The proposed CD Zone includes a 15m setback from the agricultural land. No buffer is shown on the preliminary development plans;
  • Application has been referred to various internal departments and external agencies. Comments have been received from the Agricultural Land Commission with recommendations for a trespass fence and a notation on title that adjacent ALR could be used for intensive farming and that farm noises and odors might be expected in the future;
  • Public notification on the property with no comments received from the public at this time;
  • Technical reviews include geotechnical, environmental and aquatic considerations.

Questions on the presentation:

  • Why was Commercial Zoning proposed? Applicant commented that there is a need for commercial in the area;
  • What is the proposed buffer to agricultural lands? Proposal is providing a 15m buffer with parking in the back, setback does not include a buffer with trees;
  • Does this property require a level 1 buffer? Mixed use requires a level 2 buffer;
  • How does staff feel about a larger setback without the planting? Staff are still reviewing the application;
  • Is buffer determined by number of storeys or height above ground? Both; Height above ground is measured from every point around the building, not the average.

Applicant, Mark Takanen, was present and provided comments:

  • Applicant noted that drainage and traffic studies have been completed;
  • Future development of a round about in the area and underground parking is being included in the proposal.

Highlights of the discussion include:

  • Concern with the location of access for the property;
  • Current use with adjacent ALR - recommendation for vegetative buffer and note on title;
  • A lot for that location;
  • No issue with proximity to agricultural land;
  • Reduction in vegetative buffer requirements but still included;
  • Recommendation for ALR notice on title with proximity to agricultural land.
  • It was moved and seconded

    THAT the Agricultural Advisory Committee recommend support for file Z 23-05, Zoning Bylaw Amendment and Official Community Plan Amendment, 3900 Gellatly Road with the addition of vegetative buffer and notice on title.


The meeting adjourned at 5:25 p.m.