It was moved and seconded
WHEREAS Council recognizes the housing affordability challenges faced by residents within our city and this province;
and WHEREAS Council seeks to reduce barriers and remove regulations that negatively impact housing affordability in our city;
and WHEREAS the City of West Kelowna Water Regulation Bylaw No. 274, 2021, Section 7.10 currently supports the installation of water meter pits where a parcel owner fails to provide adequate, convenient, and unobstructed access to the City;
THAT Council direct staff to prepare a report on water meters in pits with options to amend the City of West Kelowna Water Regulation Bylaw No. 274, 2021, to asses the merits of the requirement to have water meters installed within water meter pits for new residential construction; and
THAT Council direct staff to bring forward a report with options to amend the City of West Kelowna Water Regulation Bylaw No. 274, 2021 back to Council for first, second and third readings for the October 10, 2023 Council Meeting.
CARRIED; Mayor Milsom opposed