1. Give Third Reading
THAT Council give third reading to City of West Kelowna Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 0265.02, 2022 (File: Z 22-09) and schedule the bylaw for adoption subject to:
- Registration of a S.219 Covenant to require any new dwelling constructed on the subject property to include a sprinkler system, and that any additional infrastructure required to support the sprinkler system is operated, maintained, and located on private property.
2. Postpone Consideration
THAT Council postpone consideration of City of West Kelowna Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 0265.02, 2022 (File: Z 22-09).
Should Council postpone consideration of the proposed amendment bylaw, further direction to staff on how to proceed is requested.
3. Deny application
THAT Council rescind first and second readings of City of West Kelowna Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 0265.02, 2022 and abandon the bylaw; and
THAT Council direct staff to close the file (Z 22-09) .
Should Council deny the proposed amendment bylaw, the application will be closed in accordance with the Development Applications Procedures Bylaw No. 0260. Council shall not reconsider an application of this nature for the property for a period of six months.