  • Councillor Tasha Da Silva
  • Councillor Rick de Jong
  • Councillor Jason Friesen
  • Councillor Stephen Johnston
  • Councillor Garrett Millsap (virtual)
  • Councillor Carol Zanon (Acting Mayor)
  • Mayor Gord Milsom
Staff Present:
  • Paul Gipps, CAO
  • Trevor Seibel, Deputy CAO / Deputy Corporate Officer
  • Allen Fillion, Director of Engineering / Operations
  • Warren Everton, Director of Finance / CFO
  • Sandy Webster, Director of Corporate Initiatives
  • Jason Brolund, Fire Chief
  • Brent Magnan, Director of Development Approvals
  • Corinne Boback, Legislative Services Manager/Corporate Officer
  • Bob Dargatz, Development Manager/Approving Officer
  • Chris Oliver, Planning Manager
  • Rob Hillis, Engineering Manager
  • Evan Sun, Engineering Technologist II
  • Natasha Patricelli, Legislative Services Assistant


The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.

It was acknowledged that this meeting was held on the traditional territory of the Syilx/Okanagan Peoples.

This meeting was open to the public.  All representations to Council form part of the public record.  This meeting was webcast live and archived on the City's website.

Correspondence received from:

  • Ian and Carolyn Larratt
  • Zena Clarence
  • Rob and Sharon Jones
  • Alexander Tyabji
  • Andreea Savan
  • Richard Getty and Tracy Sinclair
  • Madeline Kaspick

The following is provided as Notice of Motion and may be scheduled for Council consideration at a future regular Council meeting:

WHEREAS the McDougall Creek Wildfire is no longer considered a “wildfire of note” and is moving in to a period of recovery;

AND WHEREAS, Council recognizes the hard work of the many emergency personnel and volunteers that fought this wildfire and provided emergency services to those in need;

AND WHEREAS, the emergency personnel, volunteers, and local residents were impacted by this wildfire.  The public has something to say and they deserve a time to share their stories in an open, transparent forum.  Sharing of these stories is part of the healing process;

AND WHEREAS, during the McDougall Creek Wildfire there were many challenges involving Emergency Support Services, especially in West Kelowna.  Emergency Support Services were coordinated through the Regional District of Central Okanagan as a local authority based Provincial emergency response program;

AND WHEREAS, there is opportunity to learn from the responses to the McDougall Creek Wildfire and how to improve the Regional District of Central Okanagan Emergency Plan, a living document that was last revised in 2020;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council direct the Mayor to write the Regional District of Central Okanagan requesting an Independent Public Hearing Process regarding the McDougall Creek Wildfire with a focus on Emergency Support Services and the effectiveness of the Regional District of Central Okanagan Emergency Plan.

  • It was moved and seconded

    Resolution No.C322/23

    THAT the agenda be adopted as amended.

  • It was moved and seconded

    Resolution No.C323/23

    THAT the minutes of the Special Council Meeting held Tuesday, September 12, 2023 in the City of West Kelowna Council Chambers be adopted.

  • It was moved and seconded

    Resolution No.C324/23

    THAT the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held Tuesday, September 12, 2023 in the City of West Kelowna Council Chambers be adopted.


Firefighters’ National Memorial Day was Sept. 10. It commemorates those who have died in the line of duty and recognizes the unwavering courage and commitment of firefighters who serve our communities. Council thanked the firefighters who saved West Kelowna and other Central Okanagan communities from the McDougall Creek Wildfire and expressed sympathy to the families of six firefighters who were killed in the line of duty across the province this wildfire season.

Sept. 24 was Police and Peace Officers' National Memorial Day in honor of those killed in the line of duty and in recognition of the sacrifices that officers make in serving and protecting our communities. Council expressed condolences to the family of Ridge Meadows RCMP Const. Rick O'Brien, who was killed in the line of duty on Sept. 22 and thanked all officers who serve in West Kelowna, throughout our region, and across Canada.

Council encouraged everyone to recognize National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on Sept. 30 to acknowledge the tragic history of residential schools and to honour survivors and the children who never came home. Ways to recognize the day include wearing an orange shirt, supporting Indigenous art and literature, and reflecting on the history of First Nations, Inuit and Métis and our shared future.

Council had an excellent week at the UBCM conference Sept. 18 to 22 in Vancouver, advocating with Premier David Eby and nine Ministers on key topics requiring increased provincial investments. Council also thanked Westbank First Nation Coun. Jordan Coble, Peachland Mayor Patrick Van Minsel, Regional District of Central Okanagan Chair Loyal Wooldridge and Okanagan Basin Water Board Chair Sue McKortoff for partnering with the City to champion joint causes for our communities.

Allyson Graf, President and CEO, YMCA of Southern Interior BC provided a PowerPoint presentation on removing barriers and was available for questions and comments from Council.

  • It was moved and seconded

    Resolution No.C325/23

    THAT Council approve the 2024 City of West Kelowna Council Meeting Schedule.

  • It was moved and seconded

    Resolution No.C326/23

    THAT Council adopt “City of West Kelowna Good Neighbour Amendment Bylaw No. 0151.04, 2023”; and

    THAT Council adopt “City of West Kelowna Ticket Information Utilization Amendment Bylaw No. 0095.51, 2023”; and

    THAT Council adopt “Bylaw Enforcement Notice Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 0093.53, 2023”.

  • It was moved and seconded

    Resolution No.C327/23

    THAT Council endorse the extension of the State of Local Emergency for the McDougall Creek wildfire authorized by Mayor Gord Milsom extended on September 14, 2023, for a further week set to expire on September 21, 2023; and

    THAT Council authorize a further week extension for the State of Local Emergency for the McDougall wildfire until September 28, 2023.


The Planning Manager provided a PowerPoint presentation. 

  • It was moved and seconded

    Resolution No.C328/23

    THAT Council allow applicants to speak.


    Applicants, Mike Sheppard and Ryan Jones provided a PowerPoint presentation addressing concerns raised by Council and staff and were available for questions and comments.

  • It was moved and seconded

    Resolution No.C329/23

    THAT Council deny the Development Permit with Variances located at 3401 Sundance Drive (File: DP 22-26) and direct staff to close the file.


    The meeting recessed at 7:22 p.m.

    The meeting reconvened at 7:33 p.m.

  • It was moved and seconded

    Resolution No.C330/23

    THAT in accordance with Development Application Procedures Bylaw No. 0260, Council approve an additional extension of one (1) year for File: Z 17-02, subject to the reservoir costs being brought to 2023 standards.

    CARRIED; Councillor Da Silva opposed


  • It was moved and seconded

    Resolution No.C331/23

    THAT Council give second reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 0265.12, 2023; and

    THAT Council direct staff to schedule a public hearing regarding the proposed amendment bylaw.

  • It was moved and seconded

    Resolution No.C332/23

    THAT Council, pursuant to the Agricultural Land Commission Act, authorize the Director of Development Approvals, to directly forward to the Agricultural Land Commission the following Non-Farm Use Applications:

    For all school and childcare related uses at Hudson Road Elementary (1221 Hudson Road), Shannon Lake Elementary (3044 Sandstone Drive), and Webber Road Community Centre (2829 Inverness Road) where:

    1. the proposal complies with the City of West Kelowna’s Zoning Bylaw as amended or replaced from time to time;
    2. the proposal complies with the City of West Kelowna’s Official Community Plan as amended or replaced from time to time; and
    3. the property is owned by the Board of School Trustees of School District No. 23 (Central Okanagan).
  • It was moved and seconded

    Resolution No.C333/23

    THAT Council adopt Bylaw No. 0280.02 being “City of West Kelowna Rose Valley Water Treatment Plant Local Area Service Establishment Bylaw No. 0280 2020”.


The Engineering Manager and Jordan Peterson, Lead Design, Stantec, provided a PowerPoint presentation and was available for questions and comments from Council.

Council requested that staff report back at a future meeting date on comments raised by Council on the Shannon Lake Road Active Transportation Corridor.

The Director of Engineering provided a verbal update on the McDougall Creek Wildfire’s impacts on the City’s water utilities including the Rose Valley Water Treatment Plant and the transmission mains. The plant was protected from the efforts of BC Wildfire and Chief Brolund's team.  No damage was caused to the treatment plant and the City anticipates that the plant will be operational later this fall. With the wildfire held, staff can continue to fully determine its impacts. Staff anticipates that a detailed update will be provided at the Oct. 24 Council meeting. 

The following was provided as Notice of Motion and is scheduled for Council consideration at the October 10, 2023 regular Council meeting:

WHEREAS the McDougall Creek Wildfire is no longer considered a “wildfire of note” and is moving in to a period of recovery;

AND WHEREAS, Council recognizes the hard work of the many emergency personnel and volunteers that fought this wildfire and provided emergency services to those in need;

AND WHEREAS, the emergency personnel, volunteers, and local residents were impacted by this wildfire.  The public has something to say and they deserve a time to share their stories in an open, transparent forum.  Sharing of these stories is part of the healing process;

AND WHEREAS, during the McDougall Creek Wildfire there were many challenges involving Emergency Support Services, especially in West Kelowna.  Emergency Support Services were coordinated through the Regional District of Central Okanagan as a local authority based Provincial emergency response program;

AND WHEREAS, there is opportunity to learn from the responses to the McDougall Creek Wildfire and how to improve the Regional District of Central Okanagan Emergency Plan, a living document that was last revised in 2020;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council direct the Mayor to write the Regional District of Central Okanagan requesting an Independent Public Hearing Process regarding the McDougall Creek Wildfire with a focus on Emergency Support Services and the effectiveness of the Regional District of Central Okanagan Emergency Plan.

The meeting adjourned at 9:42 p.m.

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