THAT Council give first, second, and third reading to the “City of West Kelowna Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw No. 0028.82, 2024”;
AND THAT Council give first, second, and third reading to the “City of West Kelowna Bylaw Notice Enforcement Amendment Bylaw No. 0093.56, 2024”;
AND THAT Council give first, second, and third reading to the “City of West Kelowna Ticket Information Utilization Amendment Bylaw No. 0095.54, 2024”;
AND THAT Council give first, second, and third reading to the “Development Applications Procedures Amendment Bylaw No. 0260.04, 2024”;
AND THAT Council give first, second, and third reading to the “Affordable and Special Needs Housing Reserve Fund Bylaw No. 0325, 2024”;
AND FURTHER THAT Council direct staff to bring forward policy for Council consideration regarding the management of the new housing reserve fund.