
It is acknowledged that this meeting is being held on the traditional territory of the Syilx/Okanagan Peoples.

This meeting is open to the public.  All representations to Council form part of the public record.  This meeting is being webcast live and will be archived on the City's website.

  • Recommendation to Consider and Resolve:

    Regarding the Appointment of Central Okanagan Economic Development Commission Representative

    THAT Council appoint Councillor Friesen, as representative, and Councillor Da Silva as the alternate, effective November 1, 2023, to the Central Okanagan Economic Development Commission for a one-year term; and

    Regarding the Appointment of Okanagan Regional Library Board Representative and Alternate

    THAT Council appoint Councillor Da Silva, as representative, and Councillor Zanon as the alternate, effective November 1, 2023, to the Okanagan Regional Library Board for a one-year term; and 

    Regarding the Appointment of Airport Advisory Committee Representative and Alternate

    THAT Council appoint Councillor de Jong, as representative, and Councillor Millsap as the alternate, effective November 1, 2023, to the Airport Advisory Committee for a one-year term; and

    Regarding the Appointment of Municipal Insurance Association Representative and Alternate

    THAT Council appoint Councillor Zanon, as representative, and Councillor Millsap as the alternate, effective November 1, 2023, to the Municipal Insurance Association for a one-year term.

  • Recommendation to Consider and Resolve:

    THAT Council adopt “Property Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 0311, 2023.”

  • Recommendation to Consider and Resolve:

    THAT Council rescind third reading to City of West Kelowna Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 100.68, 2022 (File Z 22-05); and

    THAT Council give third reading as amended to City of West Kelowna Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 300.01, 2023; and

    THAT Council adopt the City of West Kelowna Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 300.01, 2023; and

    THAT Council adopt the City of West Kelowna Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 0265.01, 2022.

  • Recommendation to Consider and Resolve:

    THAT Council adopt the City of West Kelowna Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 0265.02, 2022; and

    THAT Council authorize issuance of Development Variance Permit (DVP 23-07) to vary the following sections of the Works and Services Bylaw No. 0249:

    • Schedule 3 to allow a RU2 zoned property to be serviced community water by pump as opposed to gravity; and
    • S.3.2.3 – to connect a property to community water in absence of adequate fire flow; and


    THAT Council deny the issuance of a Development Variance Permit (DVP 23-07) to exempt S.3.1.6 for frontage improvement (or cash in lieu) at time of subdivision to Glenrosa Road (rural arterial standard) and the unnamed access road (rural reserve local standard.

  • Recommendation to Consider and Resolve:

    THAT Council deny the issuance of a Development Variance Permit (DVP 23-08) for 2516 Pinnacle Drive to vary S.3.18.2 of Zoning Bylaw No. 0265 to increase the maximum gross floor area of a secondary suite from 1076 ft² to 1432 ft²; and

    THAT Council direct staff to close the file.

The next Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 14, 2023.